On Oct. 17, at the International RuGrids-Electro Electric Power Forum, the CEO of Rosseti Group, Oleg Budargin, held a meeting with the heads of the subsidiaries of the Group regarding the readiness of the grid complex to weather the upcoming autumn-winter period.
As had been noted at the meeting, across the company on the whole, readiness for the winter was better than last year. In preparation for the winter peak loads, a set of measures to ensure reliable and uninterrupted power supply to consumers had been carried out.
All companies had completed the work of replenishing emergency reserves.
To date, 'certificates of availability' have been received by all of the distribution network companies. As relates to the trunk grid complex, the Commission of the Russian Ministry of Energy will have completed its work by November 7.
On the basis of linear and generating sites of distribution and trunk grids, 1217 mobile teams have been formed. Companies of Rosseti Group have ensured the implementation of annual plans: complete overhaul of all substation equipment and power lines, as well as work on the expansion and clearing of power line glades. As of October 8, 155,000 km of power lines have been overhauled, glades on a total area of 120,000 hectares have been cleared, 3100 power transformers and nearly 39,000 transformer substations have been renovated as well as almost 50,000 units of switch-gear equipment.
Some 599 joint exercises have been conducted with regional authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and local governments to practice cooperative disaster response in case of a power failure threat during the autumn and winter period.