Vologdaenergo branch of IDGC of the North-West to reconstruct “Roslyatino” 110/10 kV substation in the Babushkinsky District, Vologda Region by the end of 2012.


Vologdaenergo branch of IDGC of the North-West to reconstruct “Roslyatino” 110/10 kV substation in the Babushkinsky District, Vologda Region by the end of 2012. The project CAPEX will make approximately 169.4 mln RURVologdaenergo branch of IDGC of the North-West, JSC plans to complete implementation of the investment project for reconstruction of “Roslyatino” 110/10 kV substation in the Babushkinsky District, Vologda Region by the end of 2012. The project CAPEX will make approximately 169.4 mln RUR. In accordance with the project, reconstruction at “Roslyatino” substation will result in replacement of the 110 kV outdoor switchgear and the 110/10 kV power transformers (with two transformers with capacity equal to 2.5 MVA each). Additionally, the substation will undergo replacement of relay protection and telemechanics system equipment.