The document has been elaborated for unification of the company personnel actions in the course of drawing energy saving programs and reports on their implementation. The document has been elaborated for unification of the company personnel actions in the course of drawing energy saving programs and reports on their implementation. One has determined the subdivisions responsible for elaboration, adoption and execution of energy efficiency enhancement measures. By May 15 the draft will be presented for discussion to all the departments concerned.
The list of measures for energy saving and energy efficiency enhancement of IDGC of the North-West determining functional duties includes groups of measures for reduction of electric energy loss and energy resources consumption for utility and production needs.
The groups of measures may be conventionally aggregated into four packages. The first one includes production-related measures. The second package encompasses measures of supportive character. Their execution allows to prevent additional growth of expenditures in the course of electric energy transmission or energy resources consumption. Aggregated into the third package are technical measures implementation whereof immediately results in energy saving and energy efficiency enhancement. Auxiliary measures constituting the fourth group improve information provision of measures included in the first three packages.
For evaluation of arrangements implementation feasibility and practicability one will use the methodologies for calculation of economic efficiency and energy resources consumption decrease having been assumed by the company.